Woo, here we go again into the cycle of never finishing a project and starting a new one. Technically this would have been the third one of the ‘me trying to make a blog/profile/website’ series. This time it’s on Hugo with some theme slap right on to it. Just so I can get it not looking too bland without reinventing the wheel again.

So, what is this blog for? Mainly just to keep it as some sort of main/backbone identity for me. (This project happens around the time Twitter has gone private again after certain rocket guy bought the whole thing and it seems like the Internet is about to collapse even though it’s just a website, really big website getting acquired by some rich dude.)

Another thing is that I might just use this space to document stuff I think is cool enough to write a whole article about it. Less interesting stuff might just be thrown around on some other sites instead.

Third thing is that hopefully it can serve as semi-permanent archive and static sites that I can link to easily. I mean, Hugo does not need much to put out a new page and practically cost very little to host. Uh, maybe I should just say that there will be a lot of random content getting thrown around the site in the future. Plus, this Hugo theme in particular also suppot multilingual stuff, so this feature might be used in the future as well.

Anyway, I hope I can put some more content in the future. That’s it, that’s the whole reason for the blog. Focusing on writing content, not reinventing the website.