You know that feeling when you just thought to yourself “Let’s give livestreaming a try” when you’re stuck in your room watching other people streaming? Pretty much how I started this project. Bored out of my mind, burning away days and weeks without learning anything new. So I decided to “just do it” and giving it a try.

My main content group is going to be me playing games, mostly by myself as that means I can control the stream, but when I’m playing with friends, I respect their privacy of not really knowing that I’m streaming the voice chat to public, I put them into one little walkie-talkie icon on the side of my stream so people watching stream can see which voice is not me. Other potential streaming contents are probably me doing some code and stuff, as long as I feel comfortable streaming some not-so-secret code or personal projects.

As for the apperance on stream, I turn myself into a cartoon cat, don’t ask why, that’s just how it is. All I can say is you don’t need fancy camera if you turn yourself into a virtual cat. Now, the thing about me is that I don’t talk much. And that pretty much shapes how my streams' vibes are gonna be. Chill, quiet streams with occational blurts of random vocalizations.

So, my primary place to stream is on Twitch but also maybe streams on YouTube as well as a second channel if I feel like it. As of now I decided to not record my streams on my poor laptop, So I have to utilize Twitch’s own Export feature to throw the VODs on the secondary YouTube channel, streams that happened on YouTube will stay on whichever the channel that was streamed on.